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February 2, 2008 3:29 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 






Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology 
Pohang 790-784, Korea 
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Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Georgia 
I Athens, Georgia 30602, USA 

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^ , Based on the flavor SU(3) symmetry, we classify all the possible pentaquark 

baryons made of four quarks and one antiquark. In particular, we present possible 
multiplets of pentaquarks, their interactions with mesons, and the mass relations 
^ l' within a multiplet. We also study the pentaquark decays in the generalized OZI 

D , rule. 

1. Introduction 


H I After the first report on the pentaquark 8^(1540) ^ and its subsequent 

confirmation ^, there has been a huge amount of works studying pen- 
taquark properties theoretically and experimentally. Experimentally the 
subsequent observation of S~~(1862) by NA49 Collaboration ^ may sug- 
gest that 2(1862) forms pentaquark antidecuplet with 6+ (1540) as antici- 
pated by the soliton model ^. Later the HI Collaboration reported on the 
existence of anti-charmed pentaquark state ^, which revives the interests in 
the heavy pentaquark system However, the existence of pentaquark 

baryons is not fully confirmed yet as some experiments report null results for 
those states A summary for the experimental situation and perspec- 
tives can be found, e.g., in Refs. 11. Theoretically, many ideas have been 
put forward to study the exotic pentaquark states in various approaches 
and models 12,13,14^ more detailed studies are required to understand 
the properties and formation of pentaquark states. 

As the pentaquark baryons may be produced in photon-hadron or 
hadron-hadron reactions, it is important to understand their production 


February 2, 2008 3:29 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 



mechanisms and decay channels in order to confirm the existence of the 
pentaquark states and to study their properties. The present studies on 
the production reactions, however, are limited by the lack of experimental 
and phenomenological inputs on some couplings I5,i6,i7,i8,i9 particu- 
lar, those studies do not include the contributions from the intermediate 
pentaquark states in production mechanisms. Therefore it is desirable to 
classify the pentaquarks based on the flavor SU(3) symmetry albeit the 
experimental uncertainties for their existence. The general classification is 
useful not only for identifying possible pentaquarks but also for providing 
selection rules for their decays and the mass relations. 

Of course, one can expect certain mixing among the possible multiplets. 
Indeed, many theoretical speculations suggest that the physical pentaquark 
states would be mixtures of various multiplets 20,21,22^ Thus it is necessary 
to construct the wavefunctions of pentaquark baryons in terms of quark 
and antiquark for understanding the structure of pcntaqiiark states. In 
this talk, we classify all the pentaquarks in SU(3) quark model and obtain 
their SU(3) symmetric interactions with other baryons. Then mass relations 
among the pentaquark baryons will be presented. In addition, we explore 
the special case when the antidecuplet-octct ideal mixing is imposed to the 
pentaquark baryons. The topics presented in this manuscript are discussed 
in more detail in Refs. 23, 24, 25. 

2. General classification of pentaquarks 

The SU(3) flavor symmetry is a nice platform to construct possible pen- 
taquark multiplets. Having four-quark and one antiquark, the possible 
multiplets for the pentaquarks are 

303030303 = 35 e (3)27 8 (2)l0 (4)10 (8)8 ® (3)1. (1) 

Thus, we expect 91 different ground-state pentaquarks in total. Of course, 
possible multiplets can be reduced under model assumptions. We name 
all the pentaquarks based on hypercharge and isospin. We denote the 
first subscript as the multiplet that the resonance sits in and the second 
subscript as the isospin. For S-like resonance, for example, we have S27,2 
belonging to the 27-plet with isospin 2. The superscript will be reserved 
for the charge. Obvious indices will be suppressed for simplicity. 

It is straightforward to construct the highest multiplet from Eq.(l). 
The weight diagram for the 35-plet and our assignment for the resonances 
are shown in Fig. 1. The resonance X, which has hypercharge —3 and 
isospin 1/2, is interesting for future search. By eliminating the states at 

2, 2008 3:29 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 


Y I 

2 0^ 

5/2,3/2 A,,,., A„ 

2, 1 ^35,2 5 ^5 

3/2,1/2 ■^35^/2 i '^S 
1,0 ^5,1 , ^5 

1/2 X 

Figure 1. The weight diagram for tlie 35-plet. Our assignment for tlie resonances 
axe presented according to the specified hypercharge and isospin. In this diagram, the 
resonance X is special by its hypercharge and isospin. 

the corners in Fig. 1, one can generate the weight diagram for the 27-plet. 

Further successive chmination generates dccuplet, antidecuplet, octet and 
singlet. All the resonances other than the 35-plet are listed in Table 1. 

Table 1. Pentaquark baryons except the 35-plet. For the 35-plet, see Fig. 1. 


hypercharge isospin 





1 1/2 

-1 1/2 

, Sg, Eg 

"8' "8 


1 3/2 
-1 1/2 

A++ A+ AO A~ 

'^lO' ^10' ^10 
"10' "10 


1 1/2 

-1 3/2 


10' 10 

S^, SlL, T,— 

^0' 10' ^^10 
"To,3/2' "10,3/2' "10,3/2' "l0,3/2 


2 1 
1 3/2 
1 1/2 

-1 3/2 
-1 1/2 
-2 1 

'^27*'' ^27' ^27' ^^27 


V + + vO V — 
^^27, 2' ^27,2' '^27,2' ^^27, 2' ^^27, 2 

v+ vo v~ 

^27' ^^27' ^^27 

"27,3/2' "27,3/2' "27,3/2' "27,3/2 

"27' "27 

5*27,1, "27,1' "27,1 

February 2, 2008 3:29 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 



3. Tensor notation and SU(3) Lagrangians 

To get the SU(3) symmetric Lagrangian, it is useful to represent all the 
resonances in the tensor notation. In the tensor notation, the (p, q) type of 
Young tableaux is represented by the tensor, Taltl^.'.'.fap, which is completely 
symmetric in upper and lower indices. Also it is traceless on every pair 
of upper and lower indices. In the tensor notation, all the pentaquark 
multiplets can be represented by 

1:S, 8 : P; , 10 : D^fe , 

TO:T*^\ 27:T^f", 35 : T^t,^ . (2) 

Since we know how the quarks (and antiquarks) transform in SU(3), one 
can easily construct transformation rules for the upper and lower indices 
separately. Then one can assign each resonance with a specific tensor or 
linear combination of tensors within a multiplet '^^ . The SU(3) symmetric 
lagrangians can be constructed by collecting all the possible contractions of 
upper and lower indices. This is only way to form a SU(3) invariant under 
SU(3) transformation. These interactions give selection rules that can be 
used to search for specific pentaquarks. 

For the interactions between pentaquark-baryon-octet-meson-octet, we 

l5-83:9i.83 54M^ + (H.c.) 

85 - 83 : (rf + f)P!BiMt + {d- f)PlBfMi + (H.c.) 
IO5 - 83 : 510-83 ^vkD^'^^BiM^ + (H.c.) 
IO5 - 83 : 5T0-83 ^''""T.^^BiMi + (H.c.) 

275 - 83 : 527-83 TiiBlMi + (H.c.) . (3) 

Here we note that the 35-plet can not couple to the baryon octet and meson 
octet. For 85 — 83 case, there are two possible ways to form fully contracted 
terms, which lead to the famous /- and d-type interactions. It is somewhat 
painful to write down all the interactions in terms of the resonances that 
we have identified above but it can be done "^^ . 

As a second set, we have pentaquark interactions with baryon decuplet 

February 2, 2008 3:29 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 



and meson octet. They are 

85 - IO3 : 58-103 e'^'p\Df^M^ + (H.c.) 
IO5 - IO3 : 510-103 D^'^DtlMJ^ + (H.C.) 
275 - IO3 : 527-103 ^'"^'^Tf^DtliMi + (H.c.) 
355 - IO3 : .g35_i03 Tf'D,,kM^ + (H.c.) . (4) 

The interactions of pentaquark-pentaquark-meson-octet can be con- 
structed similarly and they can be found in Ref. 25. 

One remark is that the pentaquarks in the 35-plet can be measured in 
decuplet-octet decay. If X in the 35-plet exists, it can be measured in the 
unique decay mode 

X-{X—)-^K"n~{K'^l~). (5) 
This decay mode is not affected by the mixing among the multiplets. 

4. Mass relations 

To derive mass relations among pentaquarks, we note first that QCD mass 
terms can be written by 


MQCD = {uds) m,, ) ( ri ) aq^qi + bq'Yf qj 

V m, 

1 /'^O 

where y = - Q 1 I . (6) 


,0 0-2, 

This gives a simple recipe to construct mass terms to leading order in SU(3) 

breaking: the mass term can be constructed by making fully contracted 
terms inchiding hypercharge matrix Y. Within this prescription, we obtain 
the following mass formulas for each multiplet, 

85 : aP;P/ 4- bP]Y^P^ + cP]Yi> PI 

IO5 : aD^'^'D^.k + bD''''Yl,D,,i 
TO5 : aT,jkT'^'' + bT,jkYi''T'^' 

27 : aJ^,T^ + bTlY^^T^r + ^l^T^ 

. ai I J-jklm ^-^ i -^nklm i ^n^jklm • \* ) 

February 2, 2008 3:29 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 



Note, the parameters a, b, c in different multiplets should be different. Here, 
for the octet, we obtain the pentaquark analog of Gell-Mann-Okubo mass 

2{Ns + Ss) = 3A8 + Sg , (8) 
equal-spacing rule for the decuplct and antidccuplct 
f^io — ^10 = ^10 ~ — Sio — Aio 

2x0,3/2 -Sio = -A^To - A^To -0 • (9) 
We find additional mass relations for the 27-plct 

3(S27 + Oi) = 2(A27 + 2N27), 3(S27,3/2 + SOi) = 4A27 + 5N27, 
3(S27 + 261) = A27 + 8iV27, 3(^*27,1 + Sei) = 2(A27 + 57V27) , (10) 

from which we derive the GMO type relation 

2(7V27 + S27) =3A27 + S27 , (H) 

and two relations of equal-spacing-rule type 

^27,1 — ■^27,3/2 = ■^27,3/2 ~ '^27,2, 

S27,2-A27 = A27-ei. (12) 

For the 35-plet, we similarly obtain the foUowings 

^^35 — = S35 — S35 = S35 — A35 = A35 — 02, 

X — ^35,1 — ^35,1 — ^35,3/2 = S35,3/2 — ^35^2 = 5^35,2 — A5/2 , 

5(e2 + S35,2) = 2(2A5/2 + 3A35), 

5(S35 - £35,2) = -4(A5/2 - A35) , 

5(S35 - 2X35,2) = -8A5/2 + 3A35 , 

5(035 - 3S35,2) = -2(6A5/2 - A35) . (13) 

5. Decay modes in the generalized OZI rule 

In the diquark-diquark-antiquark model of pcntaqiiarks, Jaffc and Wilczek 
advocated the ideal mixing of the antidecuplet with the octet In this 
picture, the two diquarks form 6/. By combining with the antiquark of 
3/, one can form pentaquarks belonging to the antidecuplet and octet, 
6 (g) 3 = 10 © 8. This multiplication in the tensor notation can be written 

S''J®g'= = T*^fc©S'[*^''=l. (14) 

February 2, 2008 3:29 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 



Obviously, the last part, being an octet representation, can be replaced by 
a two-index field P/ as 

g[i3M ^ ^Ijkpz ^ ^likpj _ (;^5) 

The separation into the two terms in the right-hand side is necessary to 
make it symmetric in i and j. If one assumes that the pentaquark decay 
goes through the fall-apart mechanism, the index k in Eq. (15), the index for 
the antiquark, should be contracted with the antiquark index of the meson 
field. This is in fact equivalent to the generalized OZI rule where the quark- 
connected diagram dominates over the quark- annihilated diagram "^^ in the 
pentaquark decay. In this approach, the interaction take the form 

Cs = g^^'^S[,,.k}BlMl + (H.c). (16) 

Substituting Eq. (15) into Eq. (16), one has 

A = 2g^-p^BiMl + gsPTMiBl, + (H.c.) . (17) 

Comparison with the standard expression for the octet baryon interactions 
leads to / = 1/2 and d = 3/2. Therefore, the OZI rule makes a special 
choice on the f/d ratio as f/d = 1/3 

In Table 2, we present the decay modes of pentaquarks in the ideal mix- 
ing. The ss component has been separated in the quark wavcfunctions for 
pentaquark baryons, normal baryons and normal mesons. The pentaquarks 
that do not suffer from the ideal mixing will have the same decay modes as 
presented in the earlier sections. 

6. Summary 

We have classified all the pentaquark baryons in the flavor SU(3). The 
tenor method has been facilitated in constructing their interactions with 
normal baryons and mesons. We have also presented the mass relations 
for the pentaquarks which take into account the SU(3) breaking to leading 
order. This will help to identify not only exotic baryons but also crypto- 
exotic states. Finally we have discussed the decay modes in the generalized 
OZI rule, which turns out be equivalent to the ideal mixing or fall-apart 


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Tabic 2. Couplings of the ideally mixed pentaquark baryon states. The 
subscripts represent states with either purely light quark-antiquark pairs or 
purely strange quark-antiquark pairs. 























— V '■'> 



^qq ^ss 

^-p -\/f 

i^oso -V3 
77,, SO -^/6